Thursday 8 November 2018

Tabloid and Broadsheet

Tabloid - 

For example:Daily Mirror, The Sun, Daily Mail. 

> Images (lots of them)

> One main headline- usually large, catchy, rhyme, abbreviation, alliteration, even invented spellings. 

> Pun titles/ exaggerated 

> Brief summary of story

> Gossip, celebrity based freebies 

> Less formal 

> Less informative(not so in depth)

> Subject matter of articles- not really news

> Colourful 

> Big font sizes


For example:The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph

> More information /more articles (bigger price)

> One main image- Ratio , 75% text ; 25% image

> Bigger size generally (smarter, well informed, more info)

> Subheading for other stories 

> Titles- Times/ telegraph, authority/ wisdom guardian 

> More trustworthy, informative news stories. 

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