Monday 12 November 2018

Daily Mail and The Times

Daily Mirror
The Times
Who was involved?
·      2 Twin Babies- Gabriel and Maria
·      Parents- Cristineia Das and Bidhya
·      Mothers best friend 
·      Forensic Officers
·     Neighbours- Gui Gui
·      2 Twin Babies
·      Parents
·      Neighbours
·      Police
Where did it happen?
A man has been held over a suspected hammer attack on twin toddlers that killed one and left the other fighting for here lives. 
33-year-old man arrested in connection in the killing of a one-year old boy.
Where did it happen?
Hackney, North London
Finsbury Park, North London. 
When did it happen?
Monday 20th March 2017- newspaper published. 11:10 pm on Saturday – accident occurred.
11:10pm when police were called.
How did it happen?
Bidhya killed One year old with hammer- and s sister Maria remains in a critical condition.
 Doesn’t say how it happened. 
Why did it happen?
“I think he had mental problems”.
Doesn’t say why.
What do you notice about the difference in content and how the the articles convey this information? Why do you think that is?
The Daily Mail present there articles in a more informative way, by including more detailed information about the crime , more pictures e.t.c. This makes the audience more on edge and wanting to read on. The pictures shown are of the weapons, parents , and the building. By doing this, it gives the readers more initial information, before they've even read the story.
The title is also very bold and noticeable, more so than a broadsheet newspaper. 
The Times presents there information in a more formal way, meaning the newspaper makes readers less worried as they give less information and make it not as dramatic as tabloids would present this type of story. The pictures they use are minimal and doesn't tell the whole story through them so will intrigue readers into reading the full article. 

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