Thursday 9 January 2020

Conventions of LFTVD

- Tend to be more cinematic
- Stranger things have excessive amount of details- high production values, and verisimilitude- appreciated by the audience.
- 'Flow' one chapter flows into the next- easy to bing watch.
- immersive world that provides ecapism
- less traditional storytelling structure with unexpected twists
- encourages audiences to respond with their own media and take part (clay shirky)
- enters cultural parlance and embeds into cultures - becomes a text in intertextuality itself - post modernism.

- goes beyond the binary so far eg characters move beyond simply good or bad.
- Subverts traditional storylines
- Stranger things- Steve Harrington and hopper are egg of more complex characters
- Novelistic- multiple storylines and characters that arc stretch over a number of episodes and seasons
- we may see flashbacks that explain their background
- systematic change -  isn't just focused on one individual

what does television drama need to have:

various locations
stock characters
multiple narratives
1 hour episodes
dramatic cliff hangers
high production values

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