Friday 28 September 2018

Albert Bandura

Albert Bandura

↳ Bandura's social learning theory means that people learn from on another, due to observation, imitation and modelling. 

 ↳ By observing this Albert looked at how children observe the people around them behaving in various ways. 

↳ This is presented in the famous Bobo Doll experiment that Bandura did in 1961. 

↳ Bandura, ross and ross, tested 36 boys and girls ages between 3-6 years old, they pre-tested the children to see how aggressive they were. it was then possible to match the children In specific groups so that each group had similar level of aggression. He placed children in a room with an adult and Bandura told the adult the play with the toy in an aggressive manner and to slam it onto the ground and hit it etc. 

↳ Then the adult would leave the room and leave the camera rolling to watch the children and see if they would play with he doll in the same way as the adult did. 

↳ Bandura believed that if children would copy behaviour they saw, in particular violent behaviour. 

↳ Research has been take t o prove that Violent video games such as GTA and Call of duty, has a consistent relation to increasing aggressive behaviour, pro social behaviour, empathy and sensitivity to aggression. 

 ↳ The link between violence in video games and increased aggression in players is one of the most studied and best established in the field.




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