Thursday 27 September 2018

Boyz In the Hood

Boyz In the Hood➝


D-  The Boyz in the hood opens with a disturbing fact which is surrounded by the noises of sirens and gun shots.   

I- It then follows on to another black screen with another statement in a white font, which is also quite alarming for the audience. This immediately creates a negative image of the film, conveying how there is going to violent scenes involved. 

S-  The film is set in South Central Los Angeles in 1984, and seems to be a rough neighbourhood, due to stray dogs roaming around and rubbish just being left all over the streets. 

T- The themes are violence and corruption, also 'how to get out of the hood'. 

I- The posters with gun shot holes in it, portrays how disruptive and violent the area is, as not only have people been shot, the surroundings have too, meaning it had occurred multiple times. 

N- In this clip, the characters are only children at primary school, however throughout the film they grow into becoming teenagers. 

C-  The charcters seen so far are Tre and his group of friends, as well as Tre's mum and their school teacher. 

T-  'Slang' has been used by the children to highlight that they don't speak in an intelligent manner. 

Mise En Scene
C-  Tre is presented in formal clothing, which is vastly different from his friends, who match the stereotypical clothing of a boy in America at that time. Tre's clothing also matches his intelligence as he is seen to be the smartest one in his class as he knows certain facts that a child of his age isn't expected to know. 

L- Natural lighting is used when the children are walking to school, however it seems like a dull and cloudy day, which highlights the mood of the characters in this scene as they are talk ing about a shooting that happened the previous night. 

A- The main actors are a group of children, who's lives could be affected in their adult hood, due to there upbringing and violent surroundings. Tre's mother is also included in this scene, during a phone call with his teacher, and she portrays that she is well educated female, which would contradict with the teachers view of her being a bad parent to Tre.  

P-  The use of the 'do not cross' tape across the crime scene, conveys how the children are rebellious and reckless as they crossed the line. The producers zoomed in on it to demonstrate how the children aren't bothered about the consequences that could happen after they crossed the line. 
S- The opening is set in the daytime as the children are at school, and most of the scene is shot outdoors.


M- The music is slow and instrumental, when the children are investigating the crime scene. This signifies how they're feeling because confused at what they're seeing, so the music is mysterious.
C- The music and sounds are parallel as the sounds describe how what is happening due to the gun shots and sirens. 

D- The music is non-diegetic as it is in the background and the actors wouldn't of heard it at the time of filming. However every other sound such as sirens are diegetic.  

O- The sounds of sirens, barks and gunshots are heard off screen, as well as the teacher talking to the class whilst pictures drawn by students of coffins are shown on screen. 

E- Throughout, viewers would feel sympathy, sorrow and scarce for the children who are surrounded by violence and crime all of the time. 

D-  All the children seem to have poor vocabulary, apart from Tre as he is portrayed as intellectual for his age, due to him knowing the fact about blood plasma, which the other children had no idea about. 


S- Tre seems to be the main character so far, as he is having the most screen time in this clip.  

T- The transitions are smooth and the scenes flow well together, which makes the film seem more realistic.
O- Its shown in chronological order, from the children walking to school, through there day at school and then Tre walking home. This is so the audience is given an insight on how the children's typical days are like. 

P- The pace seems to be fast at the beginning when the sounds of gun shots, sirens and shouts from men are played. However then slows down to a normal pace, when they're walking to school, demonstrating normality of a typical school day. 

S- There aren't any obvious special effects, as the producers try to create a real life effect.

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