Tuesday 11 September 2018


Different Types of Media:

                                          -Photography-e.g.  Fashion Photographer      
                                          -Television- e.g. Big Brother and Towie                              
                                          -Music Videos- e.g. Calvin Harris, Promises.                           
                                          -Adverts- e.g. IKEA                                                                     

                                          -Video Games- e.g. Mine craft
                                          -Radio- e.g. Kiss Fm
                                          -Film- e.g. The Greatest Showman 
                                          -Newspapers- e.g. The Daily Mail
                                          -Internet - e.g. Netflix 

My Favourite Forms of Media: 

  • Television-  Like a majority of the public, i enjoy watching TV in my spare time and catching up on different programmes.I appreciate this time as it is relaxing and makes me focus on the scenario in the programme instead of whats going on in real life. I believe that television is a crucial part of the media, as it is a link to advertisement for products and films etc, so it is a helpful platform for businesses and film producers to advertise new material, as well as showing different programmes. 

  • Internet-  Furthermore, the internet is a broad platform with a huge variety of entertainment for everyone to access. I personally enjoy using the internet, due to social media as the applications enable me to socialize with friends and family in an easy way. I can also access Netflix, which is and advantage of the internet for me as I like watching the different series that are available on that site, for example, Stranger things, The Vampire Diaries and Pretty little liars. The internet is most probably the main type of media that I use on a daily basis. 

  • Music-   Listening to different types of music can make you think and feel different types of emotions, depending on the genre of song. I enjoy listening to music as it can brighten up your day and distract you from what is going on in your life. Music helps to identify moods, feelings and emotions that an advert, film, person, video game, may have. I believe that music is a significant form of media, due to it featuring most probably, every day in your life in some way, for example, in a programme, game or advert. Therefore, it is hard to fathom how life would be if there wasn't any music.

IKEA advert, 'Hooray! To the Wonderful Everyday-

L - language,  camera, editing, music
I  - industry,  making money
A - audience, who is it targeting?
R - representation, how media represents you? class, age, gender, sexuality

L- The use of the upbeat music suggests celebration and happiness. The use of celebration towards the smallest things in the advert, such as waking up early, encourages viewers to honour the smaller things in life, that you wouldn't normally celebrate. Further more, the title further reinforces this idea, as it is telling the public that everyday is wonderful and that you should celebrate it, due to the interjection 'Hooray', which conveys ideas of celebration, party and happiness.

I - Advertising the different furniture that is available in IKEA in a fun and exciting way for children, would appeal to the public a lot. Meaning, the company would've had families purchasing the items as it seems to excite the children and adults in the advert. It would also force viewers to perhaps re-wind the advert for the reason of the constant fast pace camera shots called 'fast cutting', meaning the advert is consistently moving quickly. As a result of 'fast cutting', viewers would re-watch the advert as it would be a lot to take in only watching it once.

A- This advert would appeal to family and children as they would be intrigued by the fun and happy lifestyle of the people in the advert. It would mostly attract children, as they would be fascinated at the abstract movement of items in the house.

R- The advert goes would interest viewers as it goes against the stereotypical advert of a family and shows a more diverse way of looking. However , it portrays a good representation as the whole family is smiling and laughing with each other, making the audience feel happy after viewing it. This advert spreads positivity to the public, in behalf of the jovial and cheery background music pairing with the constant bursts of celebration throughout.

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