Friday 14 September 2018

Camera Shots

Camera Shots ⇒
F   frame
A  angle
M  movement 

↳ We experimented with a variety of camera shots, Angles and movement to demonstrate the effects that they can have when filming, for example a dramatic, emotional or vulnerable effect. 

Shot sizes

 XLS-  (extra long shot)   gives a confined effect, and is used for setting the scene. Makes the object or body look vulnerable and isolated.

LS-  (long shot)  shot from a considerable distance , so people appear as indistinct shapes. Shows the entire object or body and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surroundings. 

MLS-  (medium long shot) frames whole subject from the knees up. May be used when you have two or three people in a shot. 

MS-  (medium shot) remains close enough to capture body language, so the viewers are able to identify the characters emotion. 

MCU-  (medium close-up) from the chest. Often used for dialogue sequences, allow viewer to pick up on characters movements gestures and actions. 

CU-  (close up) tightly frames person or object. Features whole head. 

BCU-  (big close up) represents charcaters emotions. 

XCU-  (extreme close up) often used in horror films to display an instant reaction to a dramatic event. 

Shot Angles 

Low-  When camera is placed below the subject. Making the character seem more powerful. 

Eye- Level-  Equal with the camera. 

High-  Camera looks down on the subject. This shot belittles the character and makes them seem vulnerable. 

Worm's eye-  Used for a dramatic effect. 

Canted-  Creates a dizzy, unsteady effect. Often used in scene of a character being drunk. 

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