Wednesday 12 September 2018

Genre Theory

Steve Neale- Genre Theory 

* The idea that genres may be dominated by repetition but are also marked by variation, difference and change. 

* The idea that genre changes , develops , varies, and borrows and overlaps with one another. 

Genre Practice :

D  describe
I    in detail 
S   setting-  location, historical Time period              
T  themes- love, guilt, revenge, good vs evil
I   icons- props, weapon or wallet
N  narrative- plot, how a story is told
C character- background, boys/girls
T textual analysis - style of camera, editing

                                 Types of Genres:
                        * Romcom
                         * Horror
                              * Sci-Fi
                         * Thriller
                         * Drama
                         * Action 
                         * Adventure
                         * Comedy
                         * Indie
                         * Crime/ Documentary 

Drama Genre:

These images help represent a drama genre, due to the prop that Is the knife. We decided to use the knife to create a dramatic effect and try to demonstrate suspense and tension, as if something could of happened before or after these shots. The darkness of the first picture reinforces the dramatic event further, making the shot look gloomy and unwelcoming. 

Sci - Fi :

We tried to create a sci-fi genre by the use of green lighting and shadowing, giving it an extraterrestrial effect.  The use of spotlights makes the camera focus on a specific object or thing, giving a scientific approach. 

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