Wednesday 26 September 2018

Ghost Ship

Ghost Ship➟


DThe film 'Ghost Ship' is a hybrid genre, which gives the film a much more interesting appeal.
I- Romance and Horror are the two genres involved, making the film contrast massively from the start to the end. 
S- The film is set in the middle of the sea on a cruise, at night time, with the lighting being dark outside, suggesting the characters are more vulnerable  because of the ill-lit scene. 
T-  Initially, the opening of the film gives an indication that it has a romantic aspect to it, due to the swirly pink font that the credits are displayed in. This would suggest romance as it seems soft and delicate and like a typical beginning of a romantic genre film. As well as the gentle, slow and relaxed music that echos in the background, whilst couples intimately dance around the elegant room. Then the theme suddenly switches to a horror type film, as soon as a lever has been pulled, which then follows onto a series of horrific events that occur. During this the music has changed to a more dramatic and slower version of the music beforehand. 
 I-   The flowers in this signify the natural and beautiful evening that is taking place, however the wire represents the horror that happens afterwards.
N- The narrative is in chronological order at the start, with the woman singing, and then a sudden change of tragedy.
C-  Male and female adults are spread across the room, with only one child apparent.
T-  The lack of camera quality, highlights the time period, meaning there wasn't as advanced cameras as there are nowadays. 

Mise En Scene➟

C-  The costumes that are shown in the clip, appear to be quite elegant and sophisticated. For example, the lady singing, looks like she is wearing expensive jewellery and a graceful dress.

L- The lighting seems natural not too high key, but also not low key. 
A- The actors all seem to be older adults, whereas there is one young girl, who stands out against them all. 

M- There is special effects when the body parts fall off, which has been edited to look as realistic as possible.

P- The prop of the candle, commemorates how the opening seems like a romance, which makes what happens later a complete shock to the audience. 

S- The first camera shot is of the cruise from the outside, which tells the audience that the opening is taking place at night, due to the only thing that is lit up being the ship. 

M-  The slow an temper music that plays in the background, gives a relaxed atmosphere for the opening, which soon changes. The music then suddenly become dramatic, but then stops demonstrating that that atmosphere has now drastically changed. 
C-  The music and sounds are parallel throughout the first scene, as at the start the music is slow and soft representing happiness from characters, however when the disaster occurs, the music is stopped, highlighting how the characters have no emotion as they are shocked from the event. 
D-  The woman sings throughout, so when she is not shown it is non-digetic , although when she is it is diegetic. 
O-  At the beginning, when the extra long shot is taken of the ship, you can't see where the music is coming from, but it is still being played to set the scene. 
V-  The sounds of the wire screeching, would make the audience aware of what is going on, without any dialogue. 
E-  At the start, viewers would feel happiness due to everyone smiling and looking like they're enjoying themselves. However, afterwards,  the audience would feel shocked and disgusted at what had just happens.  
D-  There is no dialogue during this clip, although there are hand gestures and expressions on the characters faces which would give the viewers a clear idea of what is happening and being said. 

S-  The young girl appears in the clip a lot, and also stands out due to her being the youngest one there and is the only person to survive the event, which highlights how she is going to be a main
character further on in the film. 
T-  The smooth transitions at the start, from one couple dancing to another, highlight the relaxed evening. However, they are more abrupt as it starts becoming more like a typical horror film.
O-  The scene is in chronological order, and it doesn't seem apparent that a lot of time has passed due to their not being any hints as to it passing quickly. For example, a quickened clock or sped up movements. 
P-  The scene is slow paced to complement the soft music played, and carries on being slow throughout to create suspense and tension. 
S-   The scene seem like a normal evening on a cruise, until the horror occurs and that is when special effects are used to create this horrific effect of the sliced up bodies and blood everywhere. 

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