Friday 26 April 2019

Titanium music video

  ・2011- written by Sia, David Guetta, Giorgio Tuinfort and Afro jack
music video release- 11th December 2011

・Genre- house and urban dance 
supernatural scene and suburban setting for the recall of the science fiction film 'super 8' in which Lee (boy in video) stars in.

・The songs lyrics are about inner strength focusing on a young boy with supernatural powers. 
Filmed in Canada- school in Quebec.

meaning of lyrics-
- inner strength 
-not being knocked down
-always getting up again

- supernatural
-special powers
-puberty affecting body and mind
-inner strength
-standing up for what is right/ believe in
-adults v children

Describe in detail, setting, theme,icons, narrative, characters, textual analysis 

D • innocent boy juxtaposes his character in he video as he is seen as danger
• character has uncontrollable power 
S • abandoned school , North American Suburban , autumn, his house empty, messy, no parental figure,woods, sun setting , dusk- shows time passing- to evening 
T • supernatural,inner strength, fear, bravery, adults v children, panic, violence, unexplained explosion, fiction v reality
I • toys, keys, bike, gun, paper, television, torches, floating teddy bears, hat, gloves, bag
N • a young brave child who has uncontrollable powers, he probably caused some chaos at school, cycles home, packs his bag to run away, being chased knock on door, gets his superpower to get keys, floating teddy bears, knock down the door, runs back out, through forest,chase, crawls, hand on head as surrendering and filled with fear, superpower cause police to bounce back
C • boy (protagonist, leads the narrative), teacher ( on phone in school panicking), sheriff at school, police officers, two jogging ladies.

F- camera shakes when boy is on the bike to reinforce the amount of power he has.
A- level with boy sat on the floor, medium close- upshot -how normal he is, juxtaposing with his super powers. Long shot,tracking backwards to show the setting of the school. 
M- slow motion of teacher running, enhances her fear. Fast pace when boy is on the bike, shows his powers. 

C- normal, everyday clothing- Boys clothes look a bit ragged and worn. 
L- daylight, until end of video when it changes from dusk to dark. 
A- young innocent boy 
M- none
P- guns, gloves, hat, bike, bag, torches
S- suburban place in America.

Intertextuality- superargo film, relates to the boy in video.

Music Video-

G- genre
I-  instruments
L- lyrics
E- emotion

3rd Viewing-

 editing; Screen-time, transitions, order of narrative, pace, special effects
 Sound; genre, instruments, lyrics, emotion

S- little boy has most time 
T-  straight cuts, passing of time- dusk to evening 
O- Time order 
P- slow motion whilst in school parallel to slow pace of music, fast pace when beat drops- boy is on the bike- illustrating his powers. 
S-  teddies flying around, explosion and using his powers to bring keys to him. 

G- dance/pop 

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