Friday 12 April 2019


Analyse how social and cultural contexts can influence advertising. 

Shelter is a charity that helps people specifically with bad housing, homelessness or people face the threat of losing their house by the government that need advice and practical assistance, and fights for better investment in housing and for laws and policies. 

The shelter campaign advert consists of three close- up shots of faces with a blank and bland expressions. The pale plain faces connotes that the people may be feeling weak and vulnerable however the Shelter charity can help vigorously reverse this. There is a lack of diversity both socially and culturally, and the advert as a whole shows a lack of culturalization. As a result of this, it enables people to view homelessness from a different perspective because of the usual stereotype of them being viewed as normally dirty and scruffy. The three people In the advert are  normal and white , therefore going against the cliche.
The campaign helped people to realise that homelessness could happen to any normal person and to spread the awareness of how common it is nowadays.
The actors used in the advert are adults which makes it more realistic and gives an emotional attachment, as it is possible that is happening to them so makes it more relatable to the public.

The colour scheme of them adverts are very standard, due to the red, white and black which all complement each other. The simplicity of the colours mean that the message of the advert is carried across easier than it would be if there was more complex colour combinations. This idea could also highlight how it isn't a complex process to get advice from shelter but instead it is very simple and easy so people should do it before they into a bad housing situation. The use of the red connotes a sense of seriousness about the issue and that homelessness isn't a joke to to be taken lightly.

Each poster contains a difference scenario that shows how different people can become homeless in different situations. This is used to inform people that anyone is vulnerable but it can potentially happen in anyway! This creates links to social context of the audience of the luxury's they enjoy everyday however those in need don't even have a roof over the head again adding to the sympathy.

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