Friday 12 April 2019

shelter campaign

Advert analysis

Each of the posters contains a different scenario that shows different ways people can have housing problems and face homelessness. This is employed to inform people that there are a number of ways that cause people to face them in case any happen to them. It creates a sense of realism about the problem and that it is a threat to many people.

The adverts follow the same sentence structure in the bold white writing underneath the mouths of the people. It has a declarative statement followed by the words 'we can help'. This reputation is used to make people in these situations feel reassured because it makes them feel as though the charity is there for them if needed.

The target audience for these posters is likely to be people over the age of about 25. By this time the majority of people would either have an owned property or rent, so these issues would effect them the most.

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