Tuesday 23 April 2019

this is america analysis

* camera- FAM
* mise en scene- CLAMPS


1.       How is this video commenting on historical, social, cultural and political issues? 
The video comments on political issues as it represents shootings that occur in America frequently. The actor does  popular dance moves, despite all bad things going on in background, implying how America deal with their problems- by not caring and pretending like its not going on. 
Shocked, disgusted and outraged by the historical and contemporary persecution of black people in america. 
 There is mesmerising tension between the images and the juxtaposition between the dancing and violence, Its postmodernism as it employs of the hip hop genre but uses juxtaposition due to glovers dancing throughout. 

2.       What is the role of Glover in the video?
He portrays how American media is shown throughout and how easy It is to get a gun and shoot people.  He walks around casually and carries narrative, whilst setting a  good example to young children- influencing them what is good and bad.i.e. showing them dance moves.  
Glover shows how it is the country itself doing the killing so he continues to smile and dance and not paying attention, just like America is doing. 
He is seeking social change, and proving that black lives matter. 

3.       How does this promote him as an artist?
Seeks social change and values equality, therefore promotes him as an artist due to him using his status and platform in the media, to make a change and set an example. 

4.       In the opening scenes Glover uses grotesque smiles and exaggerated poses, why?
Jim Crow was a character created by a White man - played by a white person in black face, designed to mock black people and segregate them.
 Glover is commenting on racism In that era 'minstrel'- grotesque and cartoonish way black people were portrayed, trying to show how black people were portrayed in society once. 

5.       Guns vs black lives – what representation is constructed here?
There was two shootings not long after each-other which shows how frequent it is happening in America. One was more of a terrorist attack with gospel choir and the other was more of a gang violence related, illustrating how there are many different types of violence and massacres that happen. 
Guns are  treated with more respect than black lives in the video as the gun used to shoot a random person was carried off carefully by nice dressed man, whereas the corpse was dragged off and immediately disregarded- reinforced by framing of the scene.  

6.       What is the significance of the choir?
Representing the religious aspect of it all, due to it being a problem in America, causing wars and terrorist attacks etc. The shooting represents religions breaking  apart. 
It was a reference to the 2015 Charleston massacre  in which white supremacist opened fire in black church. 
There is polysemic(multiple meanings) he's tired of pressure to accumulate wealth. 

7.       Camera pan to black men on mobiles? What is the significance of this?
Instead of helping what's going on they film it- represents todays society with the media and teenagers so involved in technology and social media, they are oblivious to what's going on around them, so they can't make a change. 
It also refers to the case of Stephen clark who was shot dead a few weeks before the music video was released, who police assumed was armed but only had an iPhone on him.  

8.       Why the white horse in the background of the frame?
 Bible reference - appears in corner of the frame, unbeknownst to Gambino and his dancers. 
White represents innocence and purity, which juxtaposes what's going on in the frame around it. 

9.       Juxtaposition of dancing and violence, why?
 Dancing whilst riot ensues in background of frame, could be read as America avoiding the problems that occur. Also represents black culture as they are known for always dancing and having a good time, commemorating the lyrics 'we just want to party' , showing they don't want any violence or harm. Usage of entertainment as a literal and figurative distraction to the chaotic background. 
With the lyrics 'shake the frame'- distorts and blurs what's really going on i.e. the violence in the frame.

10.   What do the empty cars and burning police car signify?
Riots, violence, lack of police support. Number of black men killed during traffic spot.
Could also represent stolen cars as they are flashing in the frame- playing on the black stereotype that people may have in America, based on old fashioned views. 

11.   What is the significance of 17 seconds of silence?
Direct reference to the 17 students that died in parkland school in america- showing respect to them.
12.   What is the intertextual reference in the closing scene?
'Get Out' reference- as they are running away. 
Frame-  frame shifts all the time- long shots showing chaotic background as well as Glover dancing to distract. 
Angle- front view, zooming in and out of Glover dancing- showing full setting 
Movement- slowly moving closer to gutter on chair, 17 second silence, relates to children who was killed in shooting. 

Mise En Scene
costume- chain and trousers, 70's related
lighting- hard lighting throughout, until end when its low lighting
actors- topless, children in school uniform, stereotypes of black people 
makeup- simplistic- very little
props- masks, lots of cars, guns 
setting- basement setting, rough and run down 

Conventions of a music video-
* videos are used to promote artists- their music and fan base. This increases sales and their individual profile.
* can usually show development of the artist
* artists are given most screen time.
* a performance element of the video needs to be present, as well as a storyline. 

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