Thursday 25 April 2019

CBR- Stop where you are

 Stop where you are- April 2016

Genre- Hybrid soul/pop- strong British vibe

Most of her work has been influenced from her husband passing.

'Stop Where You Are' is about being present, stopping and celebrate what's happening right at this very moment.


Regionalism - rough area of London,
Age - teens- 30
Gender - Both, unsure of gender at first due to rough clothes- i.e. girls wearing boyish clothes
Ethnicity-  all
Sexuality -

The Artist- share the message of equality
The setting- rough, estate flats
The Themes- spread love, treat everyone equally, stereotype , not judging people, living in the moment, seize the day
Intertextuality - none c

A- Low angle looking up at her- light through her hair , high angle- medium shot -man in suit giving her coffee- contrast with woman who is scary looking, man giving her a second chance, low angle showing the setting
M- waking slow,  slow motion , slow motion whilst dancing/ back flip

C- artist wearing red to stand out, everyone else wearing dark colour 

M- man wearing makeup, looks quite feminine  

* either conform and subvert to stereotype

・teenagers are represented as lonely/ misunderstood figures.
・ the framing of the girl 20 secs in
・wide angle shot enhances the smallness of the teenager

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