Sunday 28 October 2018


Advert Evaluation-

The task we was given was to create an advert for a sports drink for women over 50 years old.

> The name of our brand was called 'Refuel'. 

> The product isn't typically meant for this audience, however, we created this advert so that it would be aimed at older audiences , by using older actors to feature in it.
We tried to sell the product to older audiences by, having an older women playing netball and feeling tired and worn out, however, after she takes a sip of the energy drink 'Refuel', the actor changes into a younger netball player, feeling more energised.

> To create this advert, I worked with Regan, Daisy and Ami, and we all had specific roles in order to produce it. Mine and Daisy's position was to find out some research about the advert; Ami's was creating the logo and also filming as she was the only one who had her own camera; Regan thought of the initial idea and made the plan for the advert. Daisy also played the role of the director, and I gathered most of the probs needed for it.

> We planned our filming, by firstly focusing on the shorter and easier clips, for example we filmed Mrs Cooper first as she is a teacher and has a busy schedule - so we based a lot of the filming around when she was free as well as when we was.

> We initially followed our plan, although we developed more ideas as we were filming which were more suited for the product. We also didn't have enough time to complete our original idea, so we made it more simplistic. This meant that our sequence wasn't as successful as we had hoped for, due to changing ideas slightly and basing them on how much time we had.

>  In hindsight, our different camera angles, movements , shots and quality of the clips were successful in the advert. As well as this, we managed to incorporate everyone in the visual aspect of the advert, which meant we all participated into the acting apart of it.
Although, we were unsuccessful as we spent a lot of time discussing and arranging the advert, rather than filming it- meaning we missed out on a lot of time and were rushed to complete at some points. So if we were given this task again, we would of learnt to spend less time with the organisation and more time with the setting and filming.

> Reflecting on this task, we have learnt good teamwork skills and how to deal and handle everyones different perspectives and opinions on certain situations. Our communication between the group improved as the advert progressed, as at the start of filming there was some miscommunication and confusion of ideas for the advert. As well , within our group we did have to compromise a lot due to facing different hurdles throughout the production.

> In future productions, we have learnt to plan and organise what we are doing a lot quicker, which means dedicating more time with filming and editing. Communication is a vital aspect of advert making, so to now have that knowledge, we should in the future be more able to create a more successful production.

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