Monday 22 October 2018

Advert Plan

What is an Advert?

An Advert is an announcement  online, Newspaper, on Television, or on a poster about something such as product, event or job. 

Lucozade Advert 

Mise En scene ⇢

C- The costumes vary from casual, everyday clothing- to sportswear and work attire. To present the moving forward in time, as the years go by. 
L- The lighting is ill- lit throughout the advert, as the weather is always dull, cloudy and dark. Apart from at the end when Anthony Joshua is standing in the boxing ring with hard lighting surrounding him, to highlight the positive outcome. 
A- Anthony Joshua and His mum, are the main focus and characters in the advert, particularly to clarify the bond and connection between them throughout his life and the struggles that they have had to face. 
M- No makeup is used for effect.
P- A main prop used in this, is the monitoring tag that is placed on Anthony's ankle, to commemorate a crime that has just taken place. This is effective as it demonstrates how his life was like before compared to how it is now. 
S- The start of the advert is set in the evening with dark lighting , however towards the end of the advert its set in the day with much brighter lighting. 

Editing ⇢

S- Anthony Joshua gets the most screen time as he is the main focus throughout showing him growing up. 
T- The transitions are smooth and quick, commemorating the fast pace of the advert. 

O- The advert is in chronological order, from Anthony being a toddler to being a teenager and then an adult, showing the stages of his growth to what he has become today. 

P- The pace at the start is slow as he is a baby with not much movement- however as he gets older the faster the pace is, as he grows and starts to run and play football. 

S- There isn't any special effects used in this advert.

Sound ⇢

M- The music at the start is quite mellow and calm, however, switches to  motivational music when he is beginning to play sport which builds tension throughout, highlighting Anthony struggling throughout his life, and him overcoming it . 

C-The music is parallel,as it matches the characters feelings of being motivated, as-well as the fast pace which then   advert is moving, is guided by the quick music. 

D- The music is non-diegetic as it would've been added in the advert after they had filmed it. However, the sound of the motorbikes, sirens and people shouting would all be diegetic as it happened at the time. 
O- When the actor is running playing football, there are screams 
from other people in the background which would've been recorded off screen as you cannot see where they are coming from.  
V-There isn't any voiceovers in the advert.
E- This advert makes you feel relieved and proud of the Anthony Joshua, due to his past of being involved in criminal activity, to then being a world champion boxer- it would inspire people.

D- There isn't any dialogue. Although there is writing at the end which says 'nobody ever moved forward, standing still'- which highlights Lucozadae's slogan 'made to move'. Meaning, the whole advert demonstrates the idea of keep on going and moving forward no matter how many obstacles get in the way. 

Gatorade Advert

Mise En Scene⇢

C- The costumes switch from sportswear to casual clothing- to portray the time moving forward. 
L- The lighting is hard and bright throughout  whilst the character is playing basketball- although when he is walking alone it is dull 
and low, until he drinks the energy drink again, to give him more 
A-The main characters are famous basketball player Kevin Durant and Dwayne Wade- instantly drawing basketball fans to watch and focus on the product that is being advertised. 
M- There isn't any makeup used for effect. 
P- The main prop would be the energy drink 'Gatorade', which  is drunk throughout by the basketball players to give them more energy and perform much better than they normally would. 
S- Most of the advert was set where the players were playing basketball, although there was scenes where the players were outside or in a gym. 

Editing ⇢  

S- Kevin and Dwayne appear to have the most screen time as they are popular within the public- so people would be drawn to watching it. 
T- The transitions are quick, to highlight the fast pace that the basketball players are moving
O- The advert has flashbacks, as the character wakes up from a dream he had about playing a match of basketball. 
P- The pace is quick as the players are in action, moving fast as they play basketball.
S- There isn't any special effects used

Sound ⇢

M- The music is very quiet in the background as the sounds of basketball's screeching and bouncing on the floor as well as the panting and heavy breathing of the players working out is a main focus in the advert. However, the music does become louder and faster as the player is about to shoot- creating suspense. 
C- The music is parallel as builds suspension as the player is about shoot.
D- The music is non-diegetic, although, the sound the basketball makes as well as the heavy breathing would be diegetic.  
O- The screams from the crowd is off screen as you cannot see where it is coming from.
V- There isn't any voice overs

E- This advert makes you feel energised as it is so fast and action 
packed- it would also make basketball player that watch the advert, want to drink the energy drink as respected and professional players are drinking it.
D-There isn't any dialogue in the advert. 

Refuel Plan

Sports drinks for women over 50

⥤ "Feel young, alive and free!"

Netball Courts as the setting of the advert.

Teachers playing netball and become out of breath.

⥤ One teacher takes a sip of 'refuel' and becomes energised and feels much younger. 

⥤ Drink → Close up 

⥤ Slow music to start- progressively gets quicker.

⥤ Teachers wear darker clothes , to show contrast between older and younger.

⥤ Show product by a netball at the end of the advert.

⥤ Light blue, lime green logo- typical energy drink font saying 'Refuel'. 

⥤ Students playing netball - brighter clothing, quicker music and movements.

⥤ Natural lighting (outside)- when teachers are playing darker/dull lighting- However with students have brighter lighting. 

⥤ Ends with Regan's shot. 

⥤ Teachers celebrating in the background (blurred) with the product next to a netball (in focus) - low angle. 

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