Wednesday 20 March 2019

big issue terms

masthead-  title of magazine (big issue)

Plug-  text that 'plugs' a feature that will appear inside the magazine

Puff-  story given prominence on the cover 

Cover star-  the 'star' featured on cover.

Anchorage text -  text that anchors main image and gives it context/ meaning.

Banner-  text that runs across lower section of cover

Skyline-  text that runs across the top of the story.

 > 70% of money comes from advertising. Magazines with small circulation- more dependent on advertising than one with a large circulation.

> 100,000 copies of big issue sold each week

> venders buy copies for £1.25 and sell for £2.50

> more than 5,000 people in Britain.

> from 2016- 200 million sales on big issue

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