Thursday 28 February 2019

Radio 1 test

1. How long has Greg James been presenting The Radio 1 Breakfast show? 

Greg has been presenting since September 2018.

2. What is the age range of the target audience that the R1BS aim to attract? 

The age range is 15-20 year olds. 

3. What are the main differences between R1BS and commercial stations' breakfast shows like Capital FM? 

The main difference is that BBC Radio 1 is paid for by the government as it is a public service broadcaster but capital fm is mainly paid for through advertisements. 

4. List as many ways audiences can access Radio 1 that you can think of. 

Through social media such as facebook and twitter, and youtube as it is free to access but a good way of advertising. Because of this the public are able to access the show once it's already been shown and can also rewatch it if they wanted to.

5. How can the audience interact with the R1BS?

The audience can interact by the radio 1 number being given out on then show to give the audience a chance to enter a competition or to be entered into a game that will be on the show.

6. Which professional body regulates Radio and how might this affect what is broadcast? 

Ofcom regulate the standards of the show, the BBC initially handle the complaints and then Ofcom overlook it. 

7. How does The R1BS fulfil its remits as a public service broadcaster?

The breakfast show fulfils Its remit by engaging the audience constantly through games, quizzes and social media.

8. Why is the controller of Radio 1, Ben Cooper unconcerned about the drop in listening figures for the R1BS?

As the audience who was plummeting was not the target audience (30+) therefore Ben Cooper in fact congratulated Nick Grimshaw in scaring off the other audience. As it may have of had an effect of the atmosphere around the station due the varied audience.


9. How does the program promote British music?

The show promotes British music by introducing new music from the artist themselves which would entice listeners to hear the new single by a new upcoming British artist.

10. What genres of music were played during your slot? Give some examples.

Mostly chart music was played during my slot, such as Little mix and Ariana Grande who are both very popular in the charts at the moment. 

11. Celebrity interviews - Who is being interviewed and what are they being interviewed about? How many of the interviews are with British people?

Many people are interviewed on the breakfast show, most of them are British as it is easier and cost effective for them to be interviewed, but occasionally there will be bigger artists and comedians from all over the world. For example, Kevin Hart.

12. News items - List the stories and identify which relate to Britain.

Brexit, Immigration, Sport and crime.
13. Quizzes and games - what can you win?

'Jan Slam' a prize won every day in January if you enter the competition. Also 'unpopular opinions' segment. 

14. How does the broadcast fit into the BBC ethos of 'informing, educating and entertaining'?

The news and weather are every 30 minutes which helps the audience as it is informing them of any local issues and concerns 

15. How does it differ from commercial breakfast shows?

BBC R1 is paid for by the government, whilst commercial stations such as Capital FM are predominantly paid for by advertisements. Therefore no paid advertisements are audible on air during the BBC radio 1 breakfast show comparing to maybe other radio stations such a commercial stations.

16. Who do you think the audience is from the content of 'your section'? What evidence do you have for this?

A target audience of 12+, this is because some of the content wouldn't make sense to a very young audience as they would not be aware of things going on around them in the world in enough detail. Some of the jokes etc. would also not be massively understood by a young audience.

17. How large is the audience for the Radio 1 Breakfast show?

The average amount of listeners is 5.1 millions per week. 

18. Which five audience categories did the BBC Trust use to measure audiences in 2016?

19. Which BBC radio station is most targeted at a mass audience?

Radio 2 has the largest target audience as it is over 35s, therefore this could depict anyone as the sing choice, guests and more appeal to all various ages dependant on the day therefore a vast audience range reigns.

20. Which BBC radio station is most aimed at a niche audience with high levels of cultural 

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