Sunday 24 February 2019

Jungle Book Evaluation

What was the task you were assigned?

・The task we were assigned was to create a interview with the marketing manager and producer of the 2016's jungle book.  The producer will talk about the exciting combination of actors and effects and the marketing manager can discuss all the ways they intend to promote the film. We had to insert jungle book backgrounds , watch some interviews and watch behind the scene clips of CGI clips. 

What programme did you use to complete your task? 

To edit our interview we used the editing software that is Abode premiere pro, with this software we used to editing tools to help use the green screen to add various layers and images to the background, also other clips such as the trailer was put into place over our original audio and film.

What tools/effect did you use from your programme to create your task?

. We used ultra key to add images to the original photo, we then replaced the green screen with backgrounds from the jungle book, like the posters and triptych etc- to encourage the audience to watch the film.

What were the biggest obstacles to completing your task?

. The biggest obstacle in completing this task was probably to stay professional and keep a straight face when asking the questions as I was talking and facing a wall and not an actual person- as we added that in later on. 

Did you complete the task on time? If not, why not?

. We didn't complete in on time because we didn't have time during the week to go and film in the green screen room- due to other groups being in there before us. As well as this there was only two of us in the group, therefore we had more filming to do and both of us had to act out both the interviewer and marketer/ producer.

How do you think this task will help with your Jungle Book revision?


What do you think you could have improved in terms of content and presentation? 

What was your initial feedback? What did others say about your production?

Identify what went well and with hindsight what would you do differently?

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