Thursday 28 February 2019

Radio 1 test

1. How long has Greg James been presenting The Radio 1 Breakfast show? 

Greg has been presenting since September 2018.

2. What is the age range of the target audience that the R1BS aim to attract? 

The age range is 15-20 year olds. 

3. What are the main differences between R1BS and commercial stations' breakfast shows like Capital FM? 

The main difference is that BBC Radio 1 is paid for by the government as it is a public service broadcaster but capital fm is mainly paid for through advertisements. 

4. List as many ways audiences can access Radio 1 that you can think of. 

Through social media such as facebook and twitter, and youtube as it is free to access but a good way of advertising. Because of this the public are able to access the show once it's already been shown and can also rewatch it if they wanted to.

5. How can the audience interact with the R1BS?

The audience can interact by the radio 1 number being given out on then show to give the audience a chance to enter a competition or to be entered into a game that will be on the show.

6. Which professional body regulates Radio and how might this affect what is broadcast? 

Ofcom regulate the standards of the show, the BBC initially handle the complaints and then Ofcom overlook it. 

7. How does The R1BS fulfil its remits as a public service broadcaster?

The breakfast show fulfils Its remit by engaging the audience constantly through games, quizzes and social media.

8. Why is the controller of Radio 1, Ben Cooper unconcerned about the drop in listening figures for the R1BS?

As the audience who was plummeting was not the target audience (30+) therefore Ben Cooper in fact congratulated Nick Grimshaw in scaring off the other audience. As it may have of had an effect of the atmosphere around the station due the varied audience.


9. How does the program promote British music?

The show promotes British music by introducing new music from the artist themselves which would entice listeners to hear the new single by a new upcoming British artist.

10. What genres of music were played during your slot? Give some examples.

Mostly chart music was played during my slot, such as Little mix and Ariana Grande who are both very popular in the charts at the moment. 

11. Celebrity interviews - Who is being interviewed and what are they being interviewed about? How many of the interviews are with British people?

Many people are interviewed on the breakfast show, most of them are British as it is easier and cost effective for them to be interviewed, but occasionally there will be bigger artists and comedians from all over the world. For example, Kevin Hart.

12. News items - List the stories and identify which relate to Britain.

Brexit, Immigration, Sport and crime.
13. Quizzes and games - what can you win?

'Jan Slam' a prize won every day in January if you enter the competition. Also 'unpopular opinions' segment. 

14. How does the broadcast fit into the BBC ethos of 'informing, educating and entertaining'?

The news and weather are every 30 minutes which helps the audience as it is informing them of any local issues and concerns 

15. How does it differ from commercial breakfast shows?

BBC R1 is paid for by the government, whilst commercial stations such as Capital FM are predominantly paid for by advertisements. Therefore no paid advertisements are audible on air during the BBC radio 1 breakfast show comparing to maybe other radio stations such a commercial stations.

16. Who do you think the audience is from the content of 'your section'? What evidence do you have for this?

A target audience of 12+, this is because some of the content wouldn't make sense to a very young audience as they would not be aware of things going on around them in the world in enough detail. Some of the jokes etc. would also not be massively understood by a young audience.

17. How large is the audience for the Radio 1 Breakfast show?

The average amount of listeners is 5.1 millions per week. 

18. Which five audience categories did the BBC Trust use to measure audiences in 2016?

19. Which BBC radio station is most targeted at a mass audience?

Radio 2 has the largest target audience as it is over 35s, therefore this could depict anyone as the sing choice, guests and more appeal to all various ages dependant on the day therefore a vast audience range reigns.

20. Which BBC radio station is most aimed at a niche audience with high levels of cultural 

BBC Radio 1 task

what was the task you were assigned?

Our task was to record an audition tape for new radio 1 breakfast show presenters / format. We needed to consider timings, chats, interviews with celebrity's, music, jingles and all of the Radio 1 standards and remits as well as the 30 second news and weather. We also had to show involvement with the everyday audience and demonstrate this throughout the relationship with them. Texts, messages, social media. As well as this we need to promote new British music by playing it most of the time on the show. 

who was in your group and what was everyone's role in the task?

In my group was me, Brooke, Kieran, Sam and George. Our roles within the group was Kieran being the main presenter, doing most of the talking and carrying the show. Brooke's  role was  the person calling in with a confession so she was apart of the public and not actually in the studio. Sam's role was being Danny Dyer as he was the celebrity we chose to interview, George's role was being the news presenter and mine was being the interviewer for Danny Dyer. 

what fresh ideas did you bring to the programme? 

We invented a new segment to the show called 'confessions Friday' where a listener would call in and give a weird and interesting confession. Brooke in our group was the person who called and confessed to presenter a weird confession. We added this segment in to engage and involve the audience as it makes the breakfast show seem more friendly and relaxed like a normal conversation between the presenter and listener.

who did you interview?

We decided to interview Danny Dyer on our breakfast show as he has just released a new programme out on BBC, so the interview was about how that worked out for him an if it was successful etc. 

what tracks did you choose and why?

We chose to play 'Don't call me up' by Mabel as she is a new and upcoming british artist and that is what BBC radio 1 try to promote. As well as this we played 'Dancing with a stranger' by Sam Smith because he is a British artist, and finally we played 'Wow' by Post Malone as it is a popular song in the big top 40 that Radio 1 play. 

・ what was the running order?

We started off with playing don't call me up and then Kieran spoke about our confessions Friday and the number to call, and then we had that segment when Brooke called. We then played dancing with a stranger and moved onto the interview I did with Danny Dyer (sam), and next had George with the news report, then finally ending with playing Wow by post Malone.

who is your target audience?

our target audience was 15-30 year olds as that is the normal target for radio 1 listeners, so we tried segments and music that would suit that age category. 

how did you relate to / attract your audience?

we attracted our audience by adding in new, interesting and interactive segments to the show that would entice listeners. 

Monday 25 February 2019

Radio 1 Essay

How is the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show reaching, targeting and encouraging audience interaction?

The  BBC Radio 1 breakfast show have improved greatly with their audience interaction over the years, due to hosts like Greg James introducing various different games and segments in the show that have involved the audience more than ever before; increasing the listeners massively. 

The remit of Radio 1 is to entertain and engage a broad range of young listeners with a distinctive mix of contemporary music and speech. However, they do have  audience members of a younger age and older age possible depending on their parents music taste and what they listen to. 

An example of the way in which the breakfast show are enticing the audience is by the competitions, such as the 'Jam Slam', which if you enter you could potentially win a prize, trip, concert etc. This would target there  older audiences as you have to be 18  to enter and  some of the prizes are family orientated. Although the competitions target an older audience, they also target younger listeners, due to the music that is played throughout the morning, such as pop and chart music, which would be reaching  out to teenagers and young adults.  
Various games are played in prime time, so that the audience are interacting with the presenters. Games such as 'replying to celebrity worst reviews', are played on the breakfast show, which entices the audience as it is an interesting topic which the listeners could give their opinions on. As well as this, segments called 'Unpopular opinions' encourages audiences  to phone in and share their unpopular opinion with Greg James and the rest of the audience listening. This is successful as it presents the breakfast show as a casual conversation between the presenter, Greg James, and the audience, making it more friendly and not just one-sided. This would've been a main factor into the increase of listeners as the show has a more talkative and relaxed tone to it. 

Social media is another way in which the Radio 1 breakfast show is targeting their audiences as this is a main way to advertise and promote their show, due to the popularity of sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The Radio 1 twitter account has a total of 3.1 million followers, this appeals to a vast audience, so giveaways present on the Radio platform are re-posted to increase the audience awareness. This increases the audience interaction by applying and phoning the show to enter to great opportunity's that are provided for free!
Sneak peaks of interviews with celebrity guests and teasers of songs are also posted on their social media accounts, therefore encouraging the public to listen to the show as the teaser would've enticed them into it. 

Overall,  the BBC Radio one breakfast show has vastly improved with listeners and ratings since Greg James has become the presenter, with the main factor being because he has created successful segments for the show which have encouraged more people to listen.

Radio Audiences And Technology

Sunday 24 February 2019

Jungle Book Evaluation

What was the task you were assigned?

・The task we were assigned was to create a interview with the marketing manager and producer of the 2016's jungle book.  The producer will talk about the exciting combination of actors and effects and the marketing manager can discuss all the ways they intend to promote the film. We had to insert jungle book backgrounds , watch some interviews and watch behind the scene clips of CGI clips. 

What programme did you use to complete your task? 

To edit our interview we used the editing software that is Abode premiere pro, with this software we used to editing tools to help use the green screen to add various layers and images to the background, also other clips such as the trailer was put into place over our original audio and film.

What tools/effect did you use from your programme to create your task?

. We used ultra key to add images to the original photo, we then replaced the green screen with backgrounds from the jungle book, like the posters and triptych etc- to encourage the audience to watch the film.

What were the biggest obstacles to completing your task?

. The biggest obstacle in completing this task was probably to stay professional and keep a straight face when asking the questions as I was talking and facing a wall and not an actual person- as we added that in later on. 

Did you complete the task on time? If not, why not?

. We didn't complete in on time because we didn't have time during the week to go and film in the green screen room- due to other groups being in there before us. As well as this there was only two of us in the group, therefore we had more filming to do and both of us had to act out both the interviewer and marketer/ producer.

How do you think this task will help with your Jungle Book revision?


What do you think you could have improved in terms of content and presentation? 

What was your initial feedback? What did others say about your production?

Identify what went well and with hindsight what would you do differently?

Radio 1 Breakfast Show


  • The first breakfast show presenter was Tony Blackburn, he remained in the role for nearly six years.
  • Others that have been dj's and/or presented radio 1 are John Peel (1967), Kenny Everett (1967), Annie Nigjtingale (1970), Simon Bates (1980), Miss P (1984), Chris Evans (1995), Greg James (2017).
  • Nick Grimshaw stepped down from hosting the BBC stepped down from hosting the BBC Radio 1 breakfast show, the dj told listeners that he was 'tired' and was ready to hand over nearly a year ago. He is now the second- longest serving breakfast show presenter in the stations history.
  • The records present that radio 1 have an average of 5.72 million listeners a week. 
  • The controller of BBC radio 1 is Ben Cooper.
  • Radio 1 is very distinctive through through the use of a broad range of youth listeners with a very vast mix of contemporary music and speech. It offers a range of new music, support emerging artists -especially ones from the UK- and provide platforms (synergy) of live music. The main genre of music that is played is Pop and chart music. 
  • The BBC is much stricter when it comes to brands mentions, whilst BBC breakfast tends to be hard news and lunch time tends to be predominantly chat shows. Commercial tend to typically target a vaster audience than the BBC and use pre-recorded interviews which kills to birds with one stone.
Social media and the Radio 1 website:

  • The website is aimed at a younger target audience; this is evident by the presentation of the young emerging and popular artists. Therefore the younger artists predominantly attract a younger target audience. Also various games (try not to laugh laugh challenge w/ water) is present which again would predominantly appeal to a younger target audience. 
  • To fulfil the PSB, Radio 1 provide precise and impartial news, current affairs and factual programming of the highest editorial standards so that all audiences can engage fully with issues across the UK and the world.
  • Educational content will help support learning for children and teenagers across the UK, whilst audiences will be engaged to explore inspiring and challenging new subjects and activities through a range of partnerships.
  • Innovative content covering may different genres will be provided across a range of services and platforms, setting the standard in the UK and the world.