Tuesday 22 January 2019

January Mock exam

1. CLIFT - font in daily mail- bigger and assertive, main image next to article significantly ant reflects the headline, skyline takes over the main story, we relive what pm says, 1 bit of hard news

 Guardian- formal and small, skyline is less important doesn't take-over the story, more unbiased about migrant children, 3 bits of hard news, left wing, neutral language 

2. Digitisation has meant a proliferation of news platforms , social media, 24hr rolling news, much easier to access, more inclined to give to online sites as they will each more cheaply, more personal to you, helpful for environment.

3. Gerber- Cultivation theory/Brexit/ Immigration / politics labour vs conservative/ NHS/ Education 

Shirky- end of audience/ participatory media- audiences comment on articles and discussion begins. 
Images of catastrophes, weather, news events come from members of the public 
Retweets- turn out to be news
Citizen journalism 
Social media, website, write to editors. 

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