Thursday 24 January 2019

The Jungle Book 2016 Vs 1967

Ways ownership impacts own film production:
  • they can get away with changing the storyline to fit a wider audience and earn more money
  • they can have better/more advertisement
  • faster production
  • they have a reputation/are well known
  • popularity on social media
  • access to newest technology
  • ability to attract star marketing - good actors
  • synergy
1967 trailer - 
  • upbeat music
  • voiceover, includes facts about the movie, ie how long it look to make
  • main characters are shown and introduced
  • long clips of scenes within movie
2016 trailer -
  • dark music
  • short clips, making it faster pace
  • famous people/voices used
  • teaser voiceover
  • darker tones
How is the 2016 Jungle Book mainstream?
  • famous cast, which costs a lot
  • CGI, is expensive
  • commercial success, from other films

Film industry Terminology

Mainstream film - a film which is popular with the majority of people

Independent film - a film produced outside of the major film studio system, in addition to being produced by an independent entertainment company

Production/production values - the produce of the film, how it is made and what is used to improve the film

Distribution - when the film is shared out amongst a group of people, in this case, the audience

Marketing - the action of promoting something

Critical success - this is the factors which make the management achieve their goal into becoming successful

Commercial success - the amount of sales/money the company has made

Mock exam 1B


Name:       Maisie Seymour                           Date: 22ndJanuary 2019

AO1:Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts of media and their influence
AO2Apply knowledge and understanding (KU) of the theoretical framework of media to:
Analyse media products/ Make judgements and draw conclusions

Questions were: 1. News values and conventions 2. Representation of Ethnicity 3. Technology 4. Shirky/Gerbner

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:

A strength of my assessment was the first question about news values and conventions, due to a detailed analysis of the Daily Mail and Guardian front covers using CLIFT- colour, layout, image, font and typography.
I also compared the two front covers throughout, showing the differences and similarities between both due to the Daily Mail being a mid-market tabloid and the Guardian being a broadsheet newspaper.

What are the areas you need to improve?

An improvement would be my theorists work and revising all of the theories to a decent standard, as this is where I lost my marks the most because my knowledge wasn’t as accurate as it needed to be. I also need to be more knowledgeable on news topics that are significant at this time period, as it would’ve helped my understanding of the two front covers that we got given in the exam.

What will you do to improve in your next assessment? Any particular areas or study skills?

To improve in my next assessment, I will revise all theorists in great detail so I can apply their theories in the exam, as well as this I will improve my knowledge on today’s news, so I am aware of the current affairs that are going on such as Brexit and immigration. 

Tuesday 22 January 2019

January Mock exam

1. CLIFT - font in daily mail- bigger and assertive, main image next to article significantly ant reflects the headline, skyline takes over the main story, we relive what pm says, 1 bit of hard news

 Guardian- formal and small, skyline is less important doesn't take-over the story, more unbiased about migrant children, 3 bits of hard news, left wing, neutral language 

2. Digitisation has meant a proliferation of news platforms , social media, 24hr rolling news, much easier to access, more inclined to give to online sites as they will each more cheaply, more personal to you, helpful for environment.

3. Gerber- Cultivation theory/Brexit/ Immigration / politics labour vs conservative/ NHS/ Education 

Shirky- end of audience/ participatory media- audiences comment on articles and discussion begins. 
Images of catastrophes, weather, news events come from members of the public 
Retweets- turn out to be news
Citizen journalism 
Social media, website, write to editors.