Thursday 21 November 2019

Q6 Dirt Sheet

-         Far left- lost their job
-         Middle – landlord kicked him out
-         Far right- in debt 
-         Relatable situations 
-         Anxious facial expression- reflects their situations 
-         Black background used to draw attention on their face- their dark emotions, well lit face 
-         Empathy- charity advert conventions
-         Writing is semi-transparent- 3rd person perspective connotes that you can relate to it and see through it
-         “we” “he” “1”- pronouns 
-         Statements are very candid, blunt and straight to the point
-         Typography makes you want to know more, what is the actual problem, lures you in more 
-         Adverts follow same sentence structure
-         Logo is there same colour as same message 
-         Close up of their heads, feel their emotion, solemn

Wednesday 23 October 2019

Q4 Dirt Sheet


Name: Maisie     Mark: 3                            Date:

AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts of media and their influence
AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to:
Analyse media products/Evaluate academic theories/ Make judgements and draw conclusions
Level 3
·         A comprehensive response to the set question
·         Comprehensive and accurate knowledge and understanding
·         Convincing, perceptive and accurate analysis
·         Convincing, perceptive and accurate evaluation
·         Highly developed and accomplished judgements and conclusions
The response demonstrates a highly developed and detailed line of reasoning which is coherent and logically structured. The information presented is entirely relevant and substantiated.
Level 2

·         An adequate response to the set question
·         Adequate and generally accurate knowledge and understanding
·         Adequate and generally successful analysis
·         Adequate and generally successful evaluation
·         Adequate and generally well-reasoned judgements and conclusions

The response demonstrates a line of reasoning with some structure. The information presented is in the most part relevant and supported by some evidence.

Level 1
D- E
·         A minimal response to the set question
·         Minimal application of knowledge and understanding
·         Analysis is minimal and/or largely descriptive and may not be relevant
·         Evaluation is minimal or brief, and is likely to be largely descriptive
·         Judgements and conclusions, if present, are minimal with limited support
Information presented is basic and may be ambiguous or unstructured. The information is supported by limited evidence.

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:

A strength in my assessment was my knowledge of the theory itself and how it could apply to news.

What are the areas you need to improve?

However, I need to improve by evaluating the theory and how it could be useful etc.

What do you need to focus on for your next assessment?
I need to include example of how the theory could apply to news specifically.

Q3 Dirt Sheet


Name:      Maisie              Mark: 6             Date:

AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts of media and their influence (5)
AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to analyse media products (KU) of the theoretical framework of media to:
Analyse media products/ Make judgements and draw conclusions (10)

Q3 Technological advances have created a long term decline in the circulation of national newspapers. Explain how the newspaper industry has responded to these changes.

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:
 A strength in my assessment was that I wrote about The Daily Mail’s technological changes in some detail, for example the use of social media and advertising etc. I started to explain the same with The Guardian as I wrote about their funding and advertising.

What are the areas you need to improve?

I need to improve the amount of detail as I didn’t write as much for the Guardian as I did for the Daily Mail, therefore I need to practise my timings. I need to go into more detail about paywalls and the different types of advertising with specific examples of them.

What will you do to improve in your next assessment? Any particular areas or study skills?

I need to improve my timing and writing the right amount for each newspaper. I also need to improve my knowledge on the general newspaper industry.



Q 3

The content below is not prescriptive and all valid points should be credited. It is not expected that responses will include all of the points listed but once again a lot of you have failed to give specific web examples and ways the newspapers are adapting to these changes and the relationship with their audiences. 


Responses will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of contexts of media and their influence on media products and processes including:

·        Some have pay walls DT, Times
· explaining the economics of traditional and online editions of The Guardian and the Daily Mail newspapers (for example, paid for primarily by advertising based on audience number/ demographic as well as direct sales)

· showing the significance of these changes for traditional print editions and online editions and newspaper audiences (e.g. The Guardian focusing on its online content and seeking to develop a donation-based culture; the Mail moving slightly downmarket with clickbait stories hosted on MailOnline; both papers are still seeking to maintain their print editions although these are making a loss)

· explanation of technological convergence and/ or the proliferation of technology and the effect this has had on institutional process and audiences with reference to economic context (for example, The Guardian’s use of email to attract a regular audience; targeted advertising; the need for stories to be published online throughout the day as rolling news) GIVE SPECIFIC EGS

· explaining the economic effect of the decline of traditional print editions, for example, with reference to circulation and yearly sales figures of traditional print versions and the rise of online subscription (neither The Guardian nor the Mail currently operate a paywall, compared to some of their competitors, although there is some debate as to whether this model is sustainable) HOW DOES THE GUARDIAN ASK READERS FOR MONEY?

· explaining the economic implications of how newspapers are in competition for readers and how advertising revenue from the ‘new’ media is vital - GIVE EGS OF ADVERTISERS

· explaining the different platforms used by audiences to access news content from The Guardian and Daily Mail with reference to the growth in online readership (give some numbers) and the impact on how audiences consume news (use of specific social media, websites means many consumers no longer pay for news content). GIVE SPECIFIC EGS. 

The Guardian raised it’s price to £2.20
What kind of advertising on the Guardian website
Social media DM flipbook, pinterest, snapchat, twitter, Instagram, fb
Guardian subscribe or donate
DM 2013 – almost 4000 million 2018 just over 1 million newspaper sales

Thursday 17 October 2019

Q2 News assessment


Name:              Maisie                      Mark: 10/15

AO1: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media and contexts of media and their influence (5)
AO2 Apply knowledge and understanding of the theoretical framework of media to analyse media products (KU) of the theoretical framework of media to:
Analyse media products/ Make judgements and draw conclusions (10)

Question: 2 How does media language incorporate viewpoints and ideologies in these front pages of the Guardian and he Daily Mail.

Identify a strength or strengths in your assessment:

A strength in my assessment was identifying the different typical conventions of the two newspapers, such as the bold writing, and image to text ratio of Daily Mail, and then the amount of hard news in the guardian.

What are the areas you need to improve?

I need to improve the amount of detail after giving a point and explaining what effect it has etc.

What will you do to improve in your next assessment? Any particular areas or study skills?

I will go into more detail and talk about the ideologies in both papers.

Q2 Points that could have been made

·         Differences in colour
·         Ratio of image to text – text heavy Guardian
·         Hard/soft news – Guardian three hard news stories all politics one international story
·         Formal/informal language
·         Guardian left leaning / Daily Mail
·         Close up head shots of DM old and aggressive Jagger, innocent young under SEX PESTS ideology of celebrity gossip and hyperbolic informal language
·         Daily Mail C1 C2 C3/ Guardian A B C
·         Alliteration language, saturated colour schemes
·         Size of fonts and capital letters DM

Wednesday 22 May 2019

model answers

Explain how viewpoints and ideologies are communicated by the language used in adverts. Refer to Source C (Old spice ad) to support your answer.
Old Spice has been known for its strange, random advertisements in order to show its products. Within the ad for the Bahamas scent, the ad includes the brand's front man Iasiah Mustafa, an ex NFL American footballer. This has been done as he is a representation of manliness, strength and attractiveness. The brand aims to attract both men and women with women being targeted to buy for their man and men targeted to in order to look like the star. Women are targeted through the man's flirty eye contact giving them a direct mode of address connoting confidence. This would attract women to buy for their men so that they could be like him. Similarly men would want to buy the product as they feel it would make them look like him. 

The advertisement has a heavy consistent theme of paradise. The ad shows an exotic tropical beach filled with many people having fun. The idyllic scene would attract customers as they would want to be there and have pleasure in wearing the product. The high key lighting of the image connotes a hot and sunny scene. 

This advertisement shows that many adverts rely on attracting their audience by showing them what could happen if they wear the product such as becoming attractive. The advert relies on the ideology of patriarchy in order to draw in women who would stereotypically be attracted to Mustafa as he is a representation of the ideal man. 

The advert contains ideas of being fresh and new. For example, within the background of the beach there is a chaotic scene of a nautical ship being sunken. This could signify a reference to their previous unsuccessful branding which targeted older, richer men. By showing the ship sinking, it could connote ideas of getting rid of the old and bringing in the new - the Bahamas scent. This shows how adverts like to draw in audiences by showing that they have the newest brand and have more to offer than other brands. 

Old Spice differs from other brands in the fact it uses overt persuasive techniques through the use of humour. Within the tag line, it says a statement followed by 'This fact has not been fact-checked.' This would attract audiences as they aren't presented as serious or openly trying to persuade them but are informal and fun. This is further signified by the absurd use of the image which is random that no other company has been seen to do. This could be to make the audience remember the advertisement, therefore are more likely to buy the brand or this could be part of their USP as their advertisements are different and one of a kind.

Music video 10/10-
 Explain how representations in music videos are chosen to promote the artist(s). Refer to one of the music videos you have studied to support your answer.

The purpose of music videos is to promote the artist to their audience. The representation of Corrine Bailey Rae (CBR) in her music video Stop Where You Are associates her with the idea of transcending prejudice and inequality. In the video the artist is seen to transcend prejudice. This is achieved by placing the artist in an urban environment encountering young characters who are stereotypically on the edge of society. We see the artist interact with these characters at different points in the video. For example, she goes up to the lonely girl and touches her shoulder as she walks past; she stops the girl gang from fighting by holding up her hands with the lyrics ‘stop where you are’ and she dances with the black youths at the end of the music video. The use of constructing two sides to the characters’ representation, firstly as a threat and then as people with qualities and skills, helps to reinforce that young people are approachable and valuable and that the artist not only believes this but can make the lives of these people better. These representations would appeal to the target audience either through identification with the characters, their age or cultural diversity, or the idea that the artist accepts them all regardless of social stereotyping. The representation of the artist through the production values used in the music video is another way in which the representations of CBR can be seen to appeal to her target audience. Although the video has a social realist, urban theme, the production values are artistic and the way the urban environment, the artist and the characters are represented is stylized. This suggests that the artist is concerned with urban and social commentary but is artistic and stylish regardless. This representation is achieved in a number of ways. The introduction of the artist is very conventional fading her in from a black screen, cutting to her face, her legs and back to her face when singing. The cross cutting of these shots of the artist with the urban location using low angle shots to reinforce the extreme angles of the building with glimpses of the blue sky above creates a meaningful connection between the artist and her environment and suggests that it is one that she, and her target audience, can transcend. The framing of the stairwells and corridors serves to create a sense of entrapment for the characters, especially when contrasted with the placement of the artist with the characters in more open spaces in the choruses and towards the end of the music video. A further way in which the artist is promoted to her target audience is by the use of costume. The red dress is a powerful symbol in the music video. 

BIG ISSUE question (Abba cover) 13/15

Analyse why The Big Issue magazine has used an intertextual approach to the referendum on its front cover. In your answer you must:
 • Analyse the use of intertextuality to create meaning in the source
 • Make judgements and reach a conclusion about the advantages of this use of intertextuality to The Big Issue magazine.  

The Big Issue magazine prides itself as niche and providing a critical view that is outside mainstream journalism. Intertextuality refers to the process of creating references to any kind of media text through another text. The intertextual reference to 70s pop band Abba and their song Winner Takes It All to represent the referendum is to reflect the status and identity of the magazine, to appeal to the target audience and to give additional meaning to the referendum vote. One reason why The Big Issue magazine has used an intertextual approach could be to identify the magazine as niche and outside mainstream reporting. The use of the intertextual reference to Abba presents The Big Issue as a magazine that looks at events critically and would likely contrast with reports on the referendum found in newspapers or more mainstream magazines. This approach to reporting the referendum highlights that The Big Issue can be relied on to offer fresh perspectives on current affairs. The representation of the politicians as pop musicians also helps to position the magazine as informal and witty. The use of intertextuality through inclusion of the song’s lyrics is a further way in which the magazine has adopted a witty approach to the event. The lyrics have been adapted to reinforce the viewpoint each politician on the referendum. This shows that the magazine is confident that the lyrics have cultural significance and are well known by its readers. They are also assuming their target audience will have a good grasp of current affairs and will appreciate the personalised link between lyrics and politician. An intertextual approach through the use of text is further achieved with the issue’s headline: Winner Takes It All. This is used to develop the Abba reference and the band’s song but, in terms of the political context, it is also highlighting that the result of the referendum will only have one outcome and it will be significant for whichever side wins the vote. By using the intertextual approach with Abba in this way, The Big Issue has cleverly managed to satirize the event and the politicians involved, yet remain impartial politically. This helps the magazine to take a more neutral position on the referendum and offers balance for their target audience. This is important because, as a charity, The Big Issue wouldn’t want to alienate readers for fear of disadvantaging the street vendors who sell the magazine. From this front cover, it is evident that the intertextual approach helps to identify The Big Issue as a provocative magazine that provides independent journalism and in doing so, is able to challenge people’s perceptions. A further reason why intertextuality has been used by The Big Issue magazine is to address and appeal to their target audience. The magazine’s audience is 72% ABC1 and 43% AB. This indicates their target audience are likely to be educated professionals and a sophisticated audience who will understand the intertextual reference to Abba, the personalisation of the lyrics and the satire they offer of the issues about the referendum. Through using this intertextual approach, the magazine addresses an aware audience and the references to Abba indicate the audience will enjoy recognising cultural references and satirical representations of current affairs and international politics. A final reason why The Big Issue may have used an intertextual approach on their front cover is to represent the referendum from a particular point of view and in an engaging way. In order to represent their story about the referendum vote, the magazine has placed the heads of the four politicians onto the bodies of Abba’s band members. The use of this intertextual reference, and the construction of the politicians as band members is very humorous. The heads of the politicians, the facial expressions they are making and their body language, through the performance of the original members, fit but look odd. The oversized heads on smaller bodies make the politicians look like puppets and foolish, indicating that the magazine doesn’t hold them in very high regard. It could also suggest that through using the intertextual reference to Abba, by presenting the politicians as a pop group performing on stage, it works as a metaphor to highlight the performance of the politicians courting popularity for their views on Leave or Remain. Through using this intertextual reference, The Big Issue is continuing the history of satirical cartoons that combine political images with popular culture which helps us to see the referendum in a new way, and leads us to question the motives of the politicians involved. Therefore, there are a number of reasons why The Big Issue magazine has used an intertextual approach to the referendum on its front cover. The identity of the magazine as intelligent, witty and both politically and culturally relevant is expressed through this approach and helps the magazine appeal to its educated and intelligent audience, whilst taking a satirical approach to the politicians involved in the referendum.

Friday 26 April 2019

Titanium music video

  ・2011- written by Sia, David Guetta, Giorgio Tuinfort and Afro jack
music video release- 11th December 2011

・Genre- house and urban dance 
supernatural scene and suburban setting for the recall of the science fiction film 'super 8' in which Lee (boy in video) stars in.

・The songs lyrics are about inner strength focusing on a young boy with supernatural powers. 
Filmed in Canada- school in Quebec.

meaning of lyrics-
- inner strength 
-not being knocked down
-always getting up again

- supernatural
-special powers
-puberty affecting body and mind
-inner strength
-standing up for what is right/ believe in
-adults v children

Describe in detail, setting, theme,icons, narrative, characters, textual analysis 

D • innocent boy juxtaposes his character in he video as he is seen as danger
• character has uncontrollable power 
S • abandoned school , North American Suburban , autumn, his house empty, messy, no parental figure,woods, sun setting , dusk- shows time passing- to evening 
T • supernatural,inner strength, fear, bravery, adults v children, panic, violence, unexplained explosion, fiction v reality
I • toys, keys, bike, gun, paper, television, torches, floating teddy bears, hat, gloves, bag
N • a young brave child who has uncontrollable powers, he probably caused some chaos at school, cycles home, packs his bag to run away, being chased knock on door, gets his superpower to get keys, floating teddy bears, knock down the door, runs back out, through forest,chase, crawls, hand on head as surrendering and filled with fear, superpower cause police to bounce back
C • boy (protagonist, leads the narrative), teacher ( on phone in school panicking), sheriff at school, police officers, two jogging ladies.

F- camera shakes when boy is on the bike to reinforce the amount of power he has.
A- level with boy sat on the floor, medium close- upshot -how normal he is, juxtaposing with his super powers. Long shot,tracking backwards to show the setting of the school. 
M- slow motion of teacher running, enhances her fear. Fast pace when boy is on the bike, shows his powers. 

C- normal, everyday clothing- Boys clothes look a bit ragged and worn. 
L- daylight, until end of video when it changes from dusk to dark. 
A- young innocent boy 
M- none
P- guns, gloves, hat, bike, bag, torches
S- suburban place in America.

Intertextuality- superargo film, relates to the boy in video.

Music Video-

G- genre
I-  instruments
L- lyrics
E- emotion

3rd Viewing-

 editing; Screen-time, transitions, order of narrative, pace, special effects
 Sound; genre, instruments, lyrics, emotion

S- little boy has most time 
T-  straight cuts, passing of time- dusk to evening 
O- Time order 
P- slow motion whilst in school parallel to slow pace of music, fast pace when beat drops- boy is on the bike- illustrating his powers. 
S-  teddies flying around, explosion and using his powers to bring keys to him. 

G- dance/pop 

Thursday 25 April 2019

stop where you are

CBR- Stop where you are

 Stop where you are- April 2016

Genre- Hybrid soul/pop- strong British vibe

Most of her work has been influenced from her husband passing.

'Stop Where You Are' is about being present, stopping and celebrate what's happening right at this very moment.


Regionalism - rough area of London,
Age - teens- 30
Gender - Both, unsure of gender at first due to rough clothes- i.e. girls wearing boyish clothes
Ethnicity-  all
Sexuality -

The Artist- share the message of equality
The setting- rough, estate flats
The Themes- spread love, treat everyone equally, stereotype , not judging people, living in the moment, seize the day
Intertextuality - none c

A- Low angle looking up at her- light through her hair , high angle- medium shot -man in suit giving her coffee- contrast with woman who is scary looking, man giving her a second chance, low angle showing the setting
M- waking slow,  slow motion , slow motion whilst dancing/ back flip

C- artist wearing red to stand out, everyone else wearing dark colour 

M- man wearing makeup, looks quite feminine  

* either conform and subvert to stereotype

・teenagers are represented as lonely/ misunderstood figures.
・ the framing of the girl 20 secs in
・wide angle shot enhances the smallness of the teenager

Tuesday 23 April 2019

this is america analysis

* camera- FAM
* mise en scene- CLAMPS


1.       How is this video commenting on historical, social, cultural and political issues? 
The video comments on political issues as it represents shootings that occur in America frequently. The actor does  popular dance moves, despite all bad things going on in background, implying how America deal with their problems- by not caring and pretending like its not going on. 
Shocked, disgusted and outraged by the historical and contemporary persecution of black people in america. 
 There is mesmerising tension between the images and the juxtaposition between the dancing and violence, Its postmodernism as it employs of the hip hop genre but uses juxtaposition due to glovers dancing throughout. 

2.       What is the role of Glover in the video?
He portrays how American media is shown throughout and how easy It is to get a gun and shoot people.  He walks around casually and carries narrative, whilst setting a  good example to young children- influencing them what is good and bad.i.e. showing them dance moves.  
Glover shows how it is the country itself doing the killing so he continues to smile and dance and not paying attention, just like America is doing. 
He is seeking social change, and proving that black lives matter. 

3.       How does this promote him as an artist?
Seeks social change and values equality, therefore promotes him as an artist due to him using his status and platform in the media, to make a change and set an example. 

4.       In the opening scenes Glover uses grotesque smiles and exaggerated poses, why?
Jim Crow was a character created by a White man - played by a white person in black face, designed to mock black people and segregate them.
 Glover is commenting on racism In that era 'minstrel'- grotesque and cartoonish way black people were portrayed, trying to show how black people were portrayed in society once. 

5.       Guns vs black lives – what representation is constructed here?
There was two shootings not long after each-other which shows how frequent it is happening in America. One was more of a terrorist attack with gospel choir and the other was more of a gang violence related, illustrating how there are many different types of violence and massacres that happen. 
Guns are  treated with more respect than black lives in the video as the gun used to shoot a random person was carried off carefully by nice dressed man, whereas the corpse was dragged off and immediately disregarded- reinforced by framing of the scene.  

6.       What is the significance of the choir?
Representing the religious aspect of it all, due to it being a problem in America, causing wars and terrorist attacks etc. The shooting represents religions breaking  apart. 
It was a reference to the 2015 Charleston massacre  in which white supremacist opened fire in black church. 
There is polysemic(multiple meanings) he's tired of pressure to accumulate wealth. 

7.       Camera pan to black men on mobiles? What is the significance of this?
Instead of helping what's going on they film it- represents todays society with the media and teenagers so involved in technology and social media, they are oblivious to what's going on around them, so they can't make a change. 
It also refers to the case of Stephen clark who was shot dead a few weeks before the music video was released, who police assumed was armed but only had an iPhone on him.  

8.       Why the white horse in the background of the frame?
 Bible reference - appears in corner of the frame, unbeknownst to Gambino and his dancers. 
White represents innocence and purity, which juxtaposes what's going on in the frame around it. 

9.       Juxtaposition of dancing and violence, why?
 Dancing whilst riot ensues in background of frame, could be read as America avoiding the problems that occur. Also represents black culture as they are known for always dancing and having a good time, commemorating the lyrics 'we just want to party' , showing they don't want any violence or harm. Usage of entertainment as a literal and figurative distraction to the chaotic background. 
With the lyrics 'shake the frame'- distorts and blurs what's really going on i.e. the violence in the frame.

10.   What do the empty cars and burning police car signify?
Riots, violence, lack of police support. Number of black men killed during traffic spot.
Could also represent stolen cars as they are flashing in the frame- playing on the black stereotype that people may have in America, based on old fashioned views. 

11.   What is the significance of 17 seconds of silence?
Direct reference to the 17 students that died in parkland school in america- showing respect to them.
12.   What is the intertextual reference in the closing scene?
'Get Out' reference- as they are running away. 
Frame-  frame shifts all the time- long shots showing chaotic background as well as Glover dancing to distract. 
Angle- front view, zooming in and out of Glover dancing- showing full setting 
Movement- slowly moving closer to gutter on chair, 17 second silence, relates to children who was killed in shooting. 

Mise En Scene
costume- chain and trousers, 70's related
lighting- hard lighting throughout, until end when its low lighting
actors- topless, children in school uniform, stereotypes of black people 
makeup- simplistic- very little
props- masks, lots of cars, guns 
setting- basement setting, rough and run down 

Conventions of a music video-
* videos are used to promote artists- their music and fan base. This increases sales and their individual profile.
* can usually show development of the artist
* artists are given most screen time.
* a performance element of the video needs to be present, as well as a storyline.