Thursday 5 March 2020

media exam

the media exam

Paper 1- 70 marks

1 hour - 2, 1, 3, 4, 5 , 6 - order 

1. unseen (two front pages, home page, link, social media conversation) ANY NEWSPAPER WITH A THEORY QUESTION - GOOD CHANCE OF REPRESENTATION (10)- 15 mins 

2. Unseen - language, forms and conventions, genre (15)- 25 mins

3. daily mail & guardian - examples needed- CASE STUDIES ARE EGS FOR THIS QUESTION- technology (10)- 15 mins

4. theory (10)- 15 mins - evaluate the usefulness of theory

language and representation 

5+6. 2 out of the 3

-big issue
 -adverts(old spice, lucozade, shelter(charity)
 or unseen which could also be online campaign
-music video
 - one (10) and one (15)

Paper 2 - 70 marks  3, 1, 2, 4 - order 

1 and 2  industry and audience 

2 out of  3 question will be asked (15)- 25 mins 
JB (industry)
video games (industry and audience)

3- LFTVD - LIAR + theory PETAL + contexts + conclusion
(30)  55 mins including planning 

Strauss - binary opposites 


4. Theory and LFTVD (do this question last- evaluate the usefulness of...)

(10)- 15 marks

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