Tuesday 3 March 2020

audience theorists

Jenkins - Fandom, audience participation

- merchandise, stranger things secret cinema experience
- citizen journalism : Ariana Grande concert footage, Grenfell, London Bridge stabbings
the idea that fans appropriate texts and read them in ways that are not fully authorised by the media producers ('textual poaching')

usefulness for news :

- show audience's role in distributing the news- e.g. sharing an article on twitter, instagram, snapchat
-  create community of fans of the newspaper, regular readers, contributors, etc. Show fandom through buying the paper itself - circulation, profit.
- citizen journalism is alive and well : youtube, social media enables people to make media

not useful :

- fandom of news doesn't stand out from any other fandom: less so even as the ability to 'create' and 'textually poach' is much less.
- fandom is very much 'youth driven' - so it excludes a whole demographic and is therefore less useful in understanding news.
- however, still big corporations who have the monopoly

Bandura - hypodermic syringe model - immediate effects
- the idea that the media can implant ideas in the mind of the audience directly

- everyone has freedom of choice - not everyone believes what they read/told
tv drama- D83 :changes peoples perspective of east and west Germany

Gerbner - cultivation

- the idea that exposure to repeated patterns of representation over a long period of time can shape and influence the way in which people perceive the world around them (cultivating particular views and opinions )

gerbner found that people who watched a lot of television were likely to have a more negative view of the world : than people who did not watch television.

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