Wednesday 29 January 2020

stranger things essay

How are different social groups represented in the sequence you have analysed? What role does the use of media language, sign and signifiers have in constructing and presenting these representations as real?

There are many representations of social groups explored in Stranger Things, with the main representations being, teenagers, family life and relationships. 
A representation that is explored in this sequence are the teenagers Mike and Lucas as they are desperately trying to piece together what has happened to Will. This differs with the usual representation of children as they are typically not involved in trying to help in a police investigation. The boys break away from typical storylines as they do not listen to their parents or authorities as they are continuing to try and look for their missing friend. Although, there are a lot of high and low angle shots when showing their parents, the boys dismiss their power and go against their wishes in attempt to find will. This complements the authoritarian approach Mikes’ mother takes when she doesn’t allow Mike, Will, Lucas and Dustin to carry on playing Dungeons and Dragons. This is common theme of children trying to haggle with their parents to get what they want, therefore fitting the general stereotype of children. Both young and older audiences can relate to both characters , as most adults and children have been in a similar situation, which therefore allows for an increased level of immersion. However, they also conform to a teenager’s stereotype, due to them talking on walkie talkies even though their dialogue is serious and intellectual.  

Hopper, the police sheriff, is first shown to subvert the stereotype. Having a profession , such as a police sheriff have a typical stereotype of being organised, sufficient and clean. However, when we first met Hopper when there is a tracking shot towards him asleep on the sofa, with his surroundings being empty beer cans and cigarette butts etc. Hopper is presented in this way to firstly subvert the stereotype and to grab the audiences attention straight away. The use of the alcohol and cigarettes being left around could highlight that he is stressed and dealing with something traumatic (which we later find out). When Hopper puts his uniform on, we suddenly notice a change of character and can see how he conforms to the stereotype of a police sheriff. This is supported by when he enters the office in the morning as he is recognised by others as dominant and powerful, even though the audience have just seen a complete opposite side of him. His relaxed attitude commemorates that he may have had an easy couple of years at work, therefore making Will's disappearance even more frightening and concerning. 

Deutschland 83

Thursday 9 January 2020

Stranger Things

Conventions of LFTVD

- Tend to be more cinematic
- Stranger things have excessive amount of details- high production values, and verisimilitude- appreciated by the audience.
- 'Flow' one chapter flows into the next- easy to bing watch.
- immersive world that provides ecapism
- less traditional storytelling structure with unexpected twists
- encourages audiences to respond with their own media and take part (clay shirky)
- enters cultural parlance and embeds into cultures - becomes a text in intertextuality itself - post modernism.

- goes beyond the binary so far eg characters move beyond simply good or bad.
- Subverts traditional storylines
- Stranger things- Steve Harrington and hopper are egg of more complex characters
- Novelistic- multiple storylines and characters that arc stretch over a number of episodes and seasons
- we may see flashbacks that explain their background
- systematic change -  isn't just focused on one individual

what does television drama need to have:

various locations
stock characters
multiple narratives
1 hour episodes
dramatic cliff hangers
high production values

LFTVD- Paper 2 , Questions 3&4

Two Questions 
3) 30 marks , 50 mins (5 min plan)- LIAR, Theorist (optional), Context (stranger thing + Deutschland 83)
4) 10 Marks - Theory with TV drama

Stranger things

ABC , NBC, CBS are the equivalent of BBC in the UK. US network broadcaster must satisfy they advertisers and hold market shares, they are also controlled by federal regulation, they front want to push boundaries with sex, drugs , alcohol etc.

The impact of this on content is a reliance on highly formalised genre conventions and normative values that meets mainstream audience expectations  but create conservation drama.

Cable Television- 

launched in the 1970's HBO was the first US national subscription cable channel. Other major US players include FX, show time and AMC. Many are subsidiaries of media conglomerates (HBO/WARNER/FX, Fox).

These subscription- based cable channels can take more risks with content and form.
By the early 200s, The Sopranos and The Wire won awards, audiences and created a water cooler effect.

The trouble with TV in the UK?

UK broadcasters have failed to meet the challenge of UK cable channels move to long form, with their risk-taking content and style.
BBC and ITV 90's relied on genre based, formula drama. Heritage and crime drama are prime examples.

Chasing the ABC1 Audience?

Channel 4 & BBC4 have identified foreign language/subtitled long-form shows are rating winners.
Embracing subtitled programs

3/4 of households (UK) have PVR but it had plateaued.
The use of time shift is increasing.
Growth of SVOD  went based channels such as Netflix, Amazon, Instant video &Now Tv (Sky) is considerable.
Netflix dominates the UK market (158.3 million subscribers)
Rise of binge watching started Sith DVD in the late 90's early C21 . Particularly due to syndication problems in the UK.
A move from 'water cooler' tv to 'shared universe' fandom (as with cinema)
US long- form drama often uses easter- eggs and mid season break to generate fun.

Multi stranded narrative +multiple things happening in one storyline.

The impacts of fandom- helps spread awareness of the series 

- high quality
- Multiple episodes
- content can be dark and difficult but innovative
- time shifting , easily accessible
- becomes invested in the story
- rise of HBO/streaming services
- Being daring with themes , characters, and settings as well as humorous , race, gender, sexuality
- movies are more expensive to watch and see a whole storyline of (avengers) - got to finish whole film
- people like ti be in comfort of their own home


Long Form TV Drama

- Multi stranded narratives- lots of storylines going on at the same time

- Importance of fandoms

WHO- targeting, HOW- they are being targeted

High  quality drama, multiple episodes , content can be dark and difficult but innovative

You become invested in it, and characters change in ways that are surprising but natural.

Rise of HBO, Sky Atlantic, Netflix

It allows shows to play with theme and character development in unique ways, explore different genres that have historically had little traction on TV- more daring with humour, race, gender and sexuality.

'Binge Watching', pleasure is less expensive than films.

Long form shows challenged the simplistic storylines and stereotypical characters that dominate network TV in US.


lost , homeland, west wing  

lost - drama, relationships/ good vs evil, all different types of characters (interesting ), set in Hawaii straight forward production values in the beginning, youtube/google play.

Homeland - drama/thriller, crime/    , characters are emotionally damaged and troubled, special effects in bombings, Netflix, youtube, google play.

West wing -  political drama,  politics/ history, serious characters/politicians, normal camera work, youtube, google play