Thursday 9 January 2020


Long Form TV Drama

- Multi stranded narratives- lots of storylines going on at the same time

- Importance of fandoms

WHO- targeting, HOW- they are being targeted

High  quality drama, multiple episodes , content can be dark and difficult but innovative

You become invested in it, and characters change in ways that are surprising but natural.

Rise of HBO, Sky Atlantic, Netflix

It allows shows to play with theme and character development in unique ways, explore different genres that have historically had little traction on TV- more daring with humour, race, gender and sexuality.

'Binge Watching', pleasure is less expensive than films.

Long form shows challenged the simplistic storylines and stereotypical characters that dominate network TV in US.


lost , homeland, west wing  

lost - drama, relationships/ good vs evil, all different types of characters (interesting ), set in Hawaii straight forward production values in the beginning, youtube/google play.

Homeland - drama/thriller, crime/    , characters are emotionally damaged and troubled, special effects in bombings, Netflix, youtube, google play.

West wing -  political drama,  politics/ history, serious characters/politicians, normal camera work, youtube, google play

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