Thursday 13 December 2018

Newspaper Construction Task

Image result for daily mail front page picture at right

What was the task you were assigned?

We were assigned to create/ mimic a Daily Mail front cover based on various headlines and stories that we were given- elaborated on current news that is happening in the world at the moment- e.g. Im A Celebrity/ Brexit e.t.c.
We had to have a balance of headline, subheadings, body text and pictures- without leaving too much white space. 

What programme did you use to complete this task?

I used Publisher to create my daily mail front page, this is so I could add pictures, text and titles easily, and to adapt them to look like a realistic daily mail front page.
Using publisher was simple and easy to create this page due to using templates that are available, however next time I would probably use a more professional programme such as photoshop. 

What tools did you use to create this task?

I used a variety of tools to create this front cover, such as;  cropping, editing of pictures, (removing backgrounds of pictures to make the photo look more professional ), I also used a variety of fonts to match the daily mails common front cover.

What were the biggest obstacles to completing the task?

I believe that the biggest obstacle was finding the most accurate font to  the daily mails ones. 
I also found it difficult fitting my headline and picture on the page without leaving too much white space 

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