Monday 24 February 2020



Stuart hall- stereotypes 

Gauntlett- identity: news+ lftvd

Van Zoonen- patriarchy, power, feminist- women are objects in a male society : news and lftvd

Hooks - power imbalance : both
Butler - gender performativity, 

Gilroy - ethnicity


Bandura - effects ideaology , media effects : news

Gerbner - cultivation , repeated patterns of representation 

Hall - reception, preferred and oppositional readings : both

Henry Jenkins - fandom : lftvd

Skirky - 'end of audience' technology has changed audience forever : both 

Language -
Barthes - communicate their meanings through a process of signification

Todorov - equilibrium : lftvd 

Neale - genre, repetition of things to create a genre : both

Levi - strauss - structuralism : both

Baudrillard - post modernism : lftvd

Industry -

Curran and Seaton - power and media 

Livingstone and Lunt - Regulation 

Hesmondhalgh - Cultural industries