Thursday 21 November 2019

Q6 Dirt Sheet

-         Far left- lost their job
-         Middle – landlord kicked him out
-         Far right- in debt 
-         Relatable situations 
-         Anxious facial expression- reflects their situations 
-         Black background used to draw attention on their face- their dark emotions, well lit face 
-         Empathy- charity advert conventions
-         Writing is semi-transparent- 3rd person perspective connotes that you can relate to it and see through it
-         “we” “he” “1”- pronouns 
-         Statements are very candid, blunt and straight to the point
-         Typography makes you want to know more, what is the actual problem, lures you in more 
-         Adverts follow same sentence structure
-         Logo is there same colour as same message 
-         Close up of their heads, feel their emotion, solemn